Emmaus Retreat Centre, Mallappally


Emmaus Retreat Centre, Mallappally is the daughter of Divyakarunya Mariyabhavan, Mallappally. It is a Retreat & Counseling Center of MCBS Emmaus Province at Mallappally, the Birth Place of Missionary Congreagation of the Blessed Sacrament (MCBS). The Congregation was Founded on 07th May 1933 at Mallappally Mission Church (Presently St. Athanasius Church, Nedungadappally) and blessed by Mar James Kallassery, then  Bishop of Changanassery. Mallapplly Church was called Divyakarunya Koventha that time. The founders, Fr Mathew Alakkulam and Joseph Paredom lived at Divyakarunya Koventha for 53 Days. After that, they moved to Parel Building at Changanassery as instructed by the Bishop.

In order to assimilate to the Spirit of the Founders, the congregation thirsted to have an Ashram at Mallappally. As an endeavor to attain this goal Fr Eppachan Kizhakkethalackal MCBS from MCBS Emmaus Province opted to be at Mallappally. He reached Mallappally and inquired the Possibility of a Catholic mission here. As a result he rented a House at Thelaman Padi on Mallappally-Pullukuthy Road and began his Mission on 22nd October 2005. The House at Thelaman Padi gradually developed into a Retreat Center for the congregation and the whole Catholic Church. Confession, Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Intercessory Prayers, One day Retreats, Program for the Students, Family Counseling and many other ministries of the Church are going on here for the local faithful and people from far and wide. Media ministry is one of the new endeavors of Divyakarunya Mariyabhavan (DM).

Now, Divyakarunya Mariyabhavan is unable to handle the people of God in the present rented house. Therefore God has prepared for us a new land where we could develop a retreat Centre for the world. The new Retreat Centre will be known as Emmaus Retreat Centre, Mallappally. On 22nd October 2013, on the  9th Birthday of Divyakarunya Mariyabhavan, Very Rev. Fr George Kizhakkemury, Superior General of MCBS has officially announced the name of the New Retreat Centre.

The Retreat centre was blessed on 8th December 2014 by His Excellency Mar Joseph Arumachadath, Bishop of Bhadravathy. We have Four Acres of Land here and a master Plan for a Residential Retreat Centre for 500 people has been drawn. Emmaus Retreat Centre gets the service of 40 Volunteers and five permanent Lay preachers. Now we offer one day conventions, night vigils and various other outreach pastoral services far and wide.

Address   :  Emmaus Retreat Centre
Mallappally West P.O.
Pathanamthitta – 689 585

Telephone   :                    07025095413


Institutions and Activities

  1. Emmaus Convent run by FDSHJ Sisters
  2. Eucharistic Adoration and Intercessory Prayers everyday
  3. One Day Convention on Every Wednesday (09am to 03pm)
  4. Night Vigil on every Thursday (06pm to 06am – 12 hours)
  5. Ministries for Children, Youth, Family and NRIs
  6. Media Ministry, Live Telecasting, Web Channels
  7. Online Intercession Ministry