St. Paul School, Sheoganj


St. Paul School Sheoganj is name after the great saint St. Paul, an ardent apostle and follower of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Our St. Paul school is one among the Christian (Catholic) minority schools managed by Param Prasad Charitable Society run by M.C.B.S Fathers.

St. Paul School was established in 2004. The school is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi with theaffiliation number 1730689. It is situated at sheoganj. It is well constructed with all modern facilities and furnitures.The school has come up as the best educational institution in sheoganj giving integral formation to the young minds.

Admission is open to all irrespective of religion, caste orcommunity.The aim of the institution is to give a refined education,keeping in mind moral values, together with useful knowledgeadapted to their age and social standing.They are trained to be responsible, self-reliant, unselfishand conscientious young men and women committed to God andto the country.


St.Paul’s school,
Bajuria Road, Sheoganj ,
Sirohi (Dst), (Raj.) India

Contact Us

Phone No . : 02976-270011 , 02976-216111
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