Send your Children here; and Get them Transformed


    For Asha Gram; Transformation is like blooming of a new flower. Every time a new flower is formed. The formation goes beyond a potential imagination beforehand and it brings out a new flower that blooms continuously.

    Fr. Thomas Thadathil MCBS enjoys the pain of a pupa that turns into a butterfly. In short time the caterpillar morphs into a butterfly. It has pain and it ends up at enormous joy. Miracles are being part of life and as he moves up in the ladder of realisation he turns humble and simple. It is the humility that underlying in his personality that helps him to do the impossible. This is the secret of Transformation that he offers the younger generation! You are welcome!!

    To tell the story in short lines; Fr. Thomas has become an instrument of God. And the latest sciences now acknoledge the power of human mind. Intelligence is the conscious mind and it is like the tip of an iceberg. Whole lot of the iceberg is hiding underneath. It is at that unconscious mind the miracles happen. This is the unconscious mind that transforms everything. It dreams and also feed the seeds of fulfilment for time to prove time and again!

    This is an assurance from the undersigned! Asha Gram is a centre for Transformation and Rejuvenation! Every parent in the world is being humbly advised to consider this suggestion! It is not the big bang lectures on a highly priced auditorium that transform the life of your child.

    Transformation comes from the Action that speaks louder than words. Encient Indian sages had this wisdom. They never spoke falsehood. They always preached what they have practiced. They walked their talk. Present India, to a large extent is a photogenic (photomaniac in true sense) land. The one who shows up wins the vote of appreciation and the story ends up there. Children who learn from them may go astray. It is very difficult to turn and come back once you are in a wrong paradigm. Hence be aware!

    We are living in a world where motivation speakers lack motivation. Imagine the crowd not turned up for a show; it is sure the speaker get demotivated; sometimes he or she may faint and fall down. Talking ill off the motivation speakers is not the purpose here. What is intented here is to hint the necessary correlation between what we say and what we do. We cannot cheat ourself. The chip inside us rate us moment by moment.

    Asha Gram is a land of Transformation. From inception, prior and after too, Asha Gram undergo Transformation. The Dream was for a paradise and it is a paradise. Every day the paradise, in fact, get upgraded. Life here is better than elsewhere anywhere. You will just love it. Your nationality doesn’t matter. Your language doesn’t matter. True persons are Global Citizens. What transforms you here is the presence of God here. The nature here is full of genius. The amount of happiness around is tremendous. Everyone here are equal and equally important and respected.

    The Dreams that you set while being here are bound to emerge. All what you should do is being free from prejudice and all other paraphernalia associated with that. Have higher targets and greater vision. Come and let us experience the power of here and now!

    N V Paulose, CEO & Founder Global TV