SAMPRIYA- Nest of Love


Sampriya is a nest of love in which we attempt to reach out to and support the children of God, who are incapable of making a life on their own. Physical and mental disabilities are in various degrees, and serious cases need life-long care and attention. Our inmates are treated as ‘Angels on Earth’. Ensuring individual attention and round-the-clock care to each and every inmate is given utmost priority in this home of love.
‘Sampriya’ is a Sanskrit word of Indian origin, meaning ‘fully loved’ or ‘dearly beloved.’ The very name of our institution resonates the sense of love to all human beings without any discrimination and prejudice. Since, Sampriya is an abode of fuller love we accept those who are physically and mentally challenged men, irrespective of their cast, colour and social status. Besides, Sampriya provides facilities for their mental and physical betterment. All inmates are treated equally and all their physical, spiritual and medical needs are met under the supervision of MCBS fathers.