Jeevalaya, Bangalore


Jeevalaya Institute of Philosophy (JIP), a place of philosophical learning and research in the Garden City of India, was founded in 1996. Established and administered by the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (MCBS), a Catholic religious order, JIP is committed to a vision that lays emphasis on the interdependence of life and philosophy. Philosophy emerges out of our lived-experiences and sustains itself as a search for the meaning and fullness of life. Hence the name Jeevalayameaning “abode of life” and the motto darshanat jeevah, meaning “from knowledge to life.”

Philosophy at JIP
Philosophy programmes offered at JIP are designed to give students a detailed exposition of the various philosophical problems by acquainting them with major philosophers and schools and by systematic treatment of principal philosophical themes. Through lectures, discussions, and personal research (term papers and thesis), students are led to critically examine the various philosophical systems and form a solid and coherent view of life.

JIP currently offers Bachelor of Philosophy, Diploma in Philosophy, and Certificate in Philosophy.

Student Life in JIP
JIP is committed to educating the whole student. Hence to achieve the goal of integral human development, students actively participate in curricular and extra-curricular activities of the Institute. The Jeevalaya Student Council plays an important role in facilitating a more active participation of students.

Students know that academic excellence is at the heart of JIP. So they avail themselves of every opportunity to advance their intellectual formation and development. They always bear in mind that a proper study of philosophy makes them dispassionate seekers of truth who can critically evaluate ideas and events and take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.

Students consider sports and games, cultural programmes, social and community services, and extension talks and seminars on human development as opportunities they get to develop and enhance their social skills and personality.

The magnificent Chapel on the campus, perfect in architecture and rich in symbolism, radiates spiritual beauty and strength to students and reminds them of the deeper human need to realize the presence of the Divine in themselves and others and in the entire cosmos.

JIP Library
The JIP Library has an extensive collection of books and journals in philosophy, religion, and cultural studies. The Library’s rich philosophy collections support teaching and research in all areas of philosophy, especially classical and contemporary Indian philosophy. The Library provides services in electronic and online recourses as well.