Christ Yoga Retreat Centre, Thannippuzha


Foundation on the promise-filled teachings of Jesus Christ, Catholic Church and Indian spirituality helps you to enjoy a healthy body, mind and soul. Its holistic approach relaxes your body, mind and soul just as it liberates you from anxieties, negative emotions, stress and illness. Above all, Christ Yoga enables you to be an ardent follower of Jesus Christ filled with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. The yoga therapy takes care of your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of life transforming you to serve God and man with whole body and mind, soul and heart.

Of course it calls for a lot of sacrifice and struggle on your part of you decide to make a difference, to walk away from the trodden paths, and to take a deviation from the usual alleys. Such people have always been quite few in history and of course their leader was none others than JESUS CHRIST himself, a solitary person, a dissident and revolutionary who came to this world for creating a difference.

Their Retreat doesn’t offer you any miracles or shortcut to a spiritual experience.

Instead it facilitates in realizing peace and harmony through retrospection and rejuvenation. It reminds us that the treasure house of happiness and peace rest within yourself. Realizing and achieving that awareness is the most powerful miracle. The realization if the presence of the Almighty within you can ensure perfect serenity. Quite difference from others retreats; here we found it a truly personal experience that exhorted us to take a retreat inwardly and to find out the obstacles in our lives that prevent us from having a real spiritual experience. It is a personal mode of reaching up to God by journeying through you. It is a way of giving your soul the experience of God through the purgation of your mind and body-a rare blend of the crux of Christ experience with the exquisites of Indian Spirituality. This dedicates and difficult synthesis, Fr. Saiju achieves with much care and grace.

The five days program consists of Yoga practice, self-awareness improvement, introspection, corrective action and adoption of a new lifestyle of one born again.

Confession and counselling empower you to set right the past and take corrective actions in your style of life. Talks unveil the real significance of the Holy Eucharist and shed light on how the Eucharist Lord can make your life whole and holy. In this background Christ Yoga mediation takes you o deeper and deeper realms of self so that you come in touch with Jesus’ ever-abiding presence in you that triggers an inner joy that recaptures yet another Tabor experience. The ambience of the centre and the facilities provided here are quite in tune with and supportive for this personal experience.

Situated on the banks of river Periyar, the centre provides you a place of spiritual anchorage in the bosom of nature.

Christ Yoga Retreat Centre
Okkal PO, Thannippuzha
Kalady 683550
Phone: 0484:2462016
Mobile: 9447913526


  1. This statement is against the fact.See I have attended “YOGA DYANAM”.For me it was a wonderful days in my life.As an RC christian ,I had attended Charismatic retreat in major retreat centers earlier. But it was an experience of extreme feeling of prayers. But at the same time Yoga Dyanam ‘ was not the place of mere loud prayer. It is arranging us for accepting Christ in our life for ever.See without a calm body your mind can’t be calm.
    Those who criticize Yoga Dyanam’ do not know what is actually going on in the Yoga Dyanam at kalady. Tolerance is the face of Christianity. But those who criticize the yoga Dyanam are the ambassadors of western culture which is found so negative to eastern culture .What ever may be the cult ,culture is important.We have born in India. Our civilization is important for us.
    What is the main thought that I could feel from Yoga Dyanam is Yoga is not against Christian belief.It is a tool for strengthening our belief.We can reach to Jesus more near by attending regular Holy Mass .”Yoga Dyanam” emphasize the importance of Holy Mass.Beside this our body is the gift of God almighty,so we should preserve it from all malice.For this we should strengthen our body and make our mind to say “NO” to all temptations. For achieving this aim Yoga is the best way.For me and many of my friends, It was true.
    So please you people do not spread wrong message among people against Yoga Dhyanam. Thousands of people are experiencing Jesus after attending this Dyanam. Those who criticize ,may ask to any one who already attended this Dyanam.
    Fr. Saiju, is the real hard worker among christian priest who is trying his best for concreting the christian belief, in it’s true spirit.
    So please avoid spreading wrong message among believers.

  2. What is the symbols in Yolga resembles? Gentile Gods? This is breaking first commandment.
    This is the reason why Christianity in India is losing. You shall not follow other Gods or gentile’s customs, Says lord of hosts.

    It’s not spirit, it’s deception

  3. An excellent place to know yourself, Indian spirituality and Yoga.
    “Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10.
    Keeping our body and mind calm and in good health is the first step to know the Almighty.
    A wonderful opportunity to take a break from the fast phased life, to align our life with nature, to prioritize, to cleanse body and mind and above all a time for self exploration.